
Originally known as Lagkagehuset or "layer cake house," cake is a core part of the Ole & Steen heritage. Each indulgent dessert is delicately hand-crafted using methods tested by time. Thoughtfully-sourced ingredients ensure our cakes are as flavorful as they are beautiful.


Our selection of cakes includes some of Denmark’s most beloved treats. Enjoy classic cakes and tarts like rich Sarah Bernhardt cakes with macaroon, delicate chocolate mousse, dark chocolate and almond shavings or our strawberry tart with dark chocolate, fresh vanilla cream, strawberries and almonds.

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Playful coconut, dark chocolate and caramel puffs are the perfect match of marzipan and marshmallow. Covered in chocolate and dusted with the right amount of nuts or coconut Ole & Steen puffs are a perfect treat in any season.