Sourdough Starter Recipe

Looking for a project to do from home? Great sourdough bread starts with the perfect sourdough starter. Here is how to make your own!

Day 1:
113 grams Bread Flour
113 grams Water
- Stir together mix and let sit for another day

Day 3:
113 grams Bread Flour
113 grams Water
113 grams of Day 1 mix
- Take half of the Day 1 mix, toss the other half. Add the 113 grams water and 113 grams of flour. Mix until homogenous, cover and let sit.

Day 4:
113 grams Bread Flour
113 grams Water
227 grams of Day 3 mix
- Take 227 grams of Day 3 mix, toss the leftover. Add 113 grams of water and 113 grams of flour. Mix until homogeneous, cover and let sit.

Day 5:
340 grams Bread Flour
227 grams Water
113 grams of Day 4 mix
- Take 113 grams of Day 4 mix, toss leftover. Add 227 grams of water and 340 grams of flour. Mix until homogeneuos, cover and let sit.

Next Steps:
- Continue to feed the same as Day 5 for 3 more days.
- You can use this sour for bread and keep it alive. Continue feeding the same as Day 5 feeding.
- Preserving your sour without daily feeding: Give your sour a day 5 feeding and place it immediately in therefrigerator. It can stay in therefrigerator for 3 weeks.
- Refresh sour: take out of refrigerator for 1 day and then start day 5 feeding for 2 to 3 days. Now, the sour is back to life and can be used.

Helpful tips:
1. Use Room Temp Water
2. Leave Starter at room temp.
3. You can use up to 25% of an alternative flour (durum, rye, or whole wheat) for unique flavor development.
4. If you use more than 25% the starter will ferment quicker
5. If you choose to use an alternative flour, keep the same percentage throughout all feedings.
6. Using bleached or highly processed flour will cause this process to take much longer.
7. Using whole grains or fresher flours from the market will increase the speed and timing.

Looking for a shortcut? Send us an email on and buy our Sourdough Starter for only $4.95!

Sourdough Bread Recipe

Use your sourdough to bake your own sourdough bread with this recipe from Ole & Steen.

You will need:
25 g. sourdough
5 g. Fresh yeast
400 g. Cold water
15 g. Salt
500 g. Wheat flour

Mix it all together in a mixer, first slowly for 1 minute and then at maximum speed until the dough is smooth and even and gathered around the kneading hook and not sticking to the sides of the bowl.
Put the dough in a bowl smeared with a little oil and let it rest on the kitchen counter for half an hour. Then put the bowl in the fridge overnight.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator, leave it on the table while you turn the oven on at aprox. 250 – 300 degrees Celsius. Once the oven is ready, flip the dough out on a lightly floured table. Pull one side of the dough over the other, so the dough doesn’t stick. Cut rolls or a bread out with a dough spartula and transfer to a baking sheet with baking paper. Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake until the bread until the crust is crisp. Keep and eye on the color of the bread and turn the oven down a little if necessary. Bread usually takes 35 – 40 minutes and rolls between 12 and 15 minutes.

Caring for your starter

Feeding your sourdough will keep it fresh and alive. Start with 30 grams of sourdough starter, discard the rest. Add 100 ml of water, 30 grams of wheat flour and 30 grams of whole wheat flour. Stir, film, and leave on the kitchen table for 24 hours. Now you're ready to use your sourdough for baking.

Keeping your sourdough alive
When you don’t need your sourdough for baking, store it in your fridge. Keep it for 1 month before feeding it to keep it alive. When stored on your kitchen table, feed it once a week to make sure it stays alive and fresh. Always feed your sourdough 24 hours before using it.